Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sunday 16th December, 2012       Archangel Michael            Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones

Here you are almost at the end of a most challenging, exciting, life changing year - think back (if you can remember) to this time last year. How much has shifted, not only your life but everyone around you all over this magnificent Planet.

You are not the person you were - it is not the World as you use to know it. For many of you 2012 was the year you anticipated from the moment you inhabited the Planet.

You came to this time “knowing” what would take place and here you are. And now it begins in earnest. The changes you have dreamed of are coming into fruition. Slowly at first but we tell you Dear Ones - when you look back at the events of the next year, and the  next year and the year after that..Almost nothing will be as it was. The most exciting expansive time is before you. The reason you came to Planet Earth, the reason you said
“send me.”  I AM the ONE who will assist my fellow beings on this rapid, expansive growth of the New Planet Earth.

Still so much work to be done Dear Ones but with the energetics you all anchored into the Planet on 121212 you are all up for the task.

You are the ones who will now bring in these transitions with Ease and Grace.

The LOVE you ARE is permeating every thought, word and deed you now undertake.

Can you not “feel” how wide your heart is open? Once when events, events that are of divine nature of course, took place somewhere else in the World, although you acknowledged it and it affected you emotionally - nothing like compared to now. You feel these events as if it was your child, your friend, your loved one, as indeed each one is.

Allow yourself to feel the compassion and the love and extend it out to those who mourn and grieve (including yourselves) but please remember Dear Ones these souls have chosen this journey to awaken even the most hardened heart so that Heaven can finally rest on the Earth. These beautiful souls have completed their mission and we all rejoice at what has transpired.

So much yet has to transition but as more and more souls awaken to the Love and Light now imploding the Planet things will more more rapidly and the expansion will take place more effectively. The times you have anticipated “Peace on Earth” will happen in an excelerated manner.

Open your beautiful Hearts even wider Dear Ones. Be and show the Love You Are - extend it out to every being: those close to you and those at a distance, so that which once divided you, now unites you.

Your Angels, Guides, Ascended Masters remind you, they are part of “Your Transition Team” we are all in this together and we honour the work you do, the Love You Are and applaud you for “showing up when it was required of you.” You knew this was never going to be an easy assignment but here you are.

Honour the souls also who stood aside and allowed you to more into humanity to perform one of the greatest acts of LOVE to befall mankind.

You are indeed honoured Dear Ones, blessed and you are loved beyond measure for all you contribute to this mass transformation.

We stand beside you, holding your hands and hearts.

Blessings Dear Ones, Blessings

I AM Archangel Michael

Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday Meditation   10th December, 2012     Archangel Michael      Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

You are in the final preparation for the wonderful life changing times ahead.  So much has been shifted in your realities and there is still much to come. However, with all that will be revealed to you during these next cosmic moments you will be of much greater awareness and acceptance of the changes that are just before you.

Are you ready to be all you came to be? The seeds of that rememberance will be released and then those feelings you have held deep within your being will once again be ignited to flourish.

Those seed thoughts, feelings have been with you since you came into this incarnation and have laid dormant - apart from the yearnings and feelings of knowing you were here to do something so much more than what your 3rd Dimensional life was offering you.

Open your heart even wider Dear Ones as you allow the LOVE that you are to shine forth, lighting not only your own path but that of your brothers and sisters on this journey back home.

You will shine your Light so brightly it will have such a wonderous effect on all who come into your field of awareness and they will also be ignited to follow their passions.

The “Piece of the Puzzle” - your unique signature piece is about to blossom taking you on a truly inspirational journey you have been longing to take.

So many of the “gifts” you once used so freely will once again be returned to you and like small childring learning for the first time your excitement levels will be astounding.

Hold each other’s hands as the last traces of this transformation takes place. Allow each other to just “BE” who they truly are.

LOVE has always been and always will be the key to the most wonderous future you can imagine.

Embrace each other with the LOVE you are as we embrace you.

Joyous times are ahead Dear Ones and we share that love and that joy as it is finally being reflected back to us. This co-creation has always been available to each of you - and now working with the Angelics, the Masters, the Beings of Light will become an everyday event. Many of you have felt “unworthy” to work with us in the past but that unworthiness is being relinquished as you step into your true mastery just one of the many transformations to take place.

What a magical future we will bring to the Earth as we work in unision in LOVE and LIGHT.

I AM Archangel Michael

Blessings Dear Ones, Blessings

Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday Meditation  December 3rd 2012       Archangel Michael    Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

What a tremendous energy today brings with it. What did you notice? Can you not feel the vibration of the Planet shifting and changing on a daily basis? Intense energies are being beamed to the Earth from the Galactic Core to transform and transmute. Are you feeling it?

Many of you are noticing a heightened awareness of all that is coming into your bodies and energetic fields.

So many things are changing, people are reacting in various ways - not all positive. It is definately shaking things up. No longer can Mother Earth’s desire to be noticed be ignored. The dance of the Masculine/Feminine energies continues and the balance is still looking to find centre.

So many of you Beloved are noticing how “happy” you are at times and love the feeling even thought it may not last all day, it is certainly noticeable. Many are commenting on the co-operation that is springing up in certain parts of the world - much without any fuss what-so-ever. New ways, new solutions are fast appearing - Ease and Grace are becoming noticeable to many. A lot of the struggle is disappearing - therefore the feeling of happiness shows up in your space more often. Sometimes you have no idea why you are “just happy.”

As more and more of the 3rd Dimension  with its rigid structures collapses this feeling of Ease and Happiness shows up with the feeling of freedom.

We Angelics and the Master Realms are so close to you, working side by side as we sweep the old away and bring in these new transformative energies.

Such amazing, challenging, exciting times are ahead for all. We tell you one more time - hang on tight the ride is so much fun now. We are enjoying sharing these momentous times with you and look forward to future conversations when we will look back at this point in history and go WOW.

Enjoy Dear Ones, Enjoy.

I AM Archangel Michael